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Rules of Procedure

Social Distancing MUN uses parliamentary procedure in all of its committees. At SDMUN, we understand that many of our delegates are used to using other rules of procedure. This page is here to help anyone feel more comfortable about the flow of committee. 

Start of Committee

Committee session starts with taking roll call. Delegates will have the option of saying 'present' or 'present and voting'. When a delegate says that they are present and voting, they must vote in all votes whereas if a delegate says that they are just present, they do not have to vote. All delegates must vote in procedural votes.  Committee will usually start with a general speakers list with each delegate having one minute to speak. 



Committee sessions are broken up into â€‹moderated and unmoderated caucuses. In a moderated caucus, there is a set speaking time per delegate on top of overall time for the committee. In a moderated caucus, there is a speakers list, which delegates can be added to and must follow. If delegates have extra speaking time, they can yield(give) their time to another delegate, to the chair, or to questions. In an unmoderated caucus, there is just an overall timer for the caucus, and delegates can speak freely with no restrictions. Moreover, delegates can be put into breakout rooms to work with their blocs more easily.

Points and Motions​

During committee, delegates can make points or motions about the proceedings of the committee. Delegates can motion for things such as opening or suspending debate, caucuses, presenting a resolution, and more. Motions always require a vote. Raising a point involves asking a question about the committee. The four main points are: point of inquiry, point of personal privilege, point of information, and point of order. Generally, points are raised after someone is done speaking, however a point of personal privilege can be raised whenever. 




SDMUN 2021

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